Rapid Car Park Setup: YourParkingSpace installs their Intelligent Parking Solution across two car parks in just 15 hours

Discover how YourParkingSpace deployed their Intelligent Parking Solution to two major car parks in just 15 hours.

Car parks are an integral part of any shopping centre, offering safety and accessibility to a wide range of customers. It is vital that parking hardware is implemented smoothly and swiftly, as not to disrupt business as usual. At YourParkingSpace, we work tirelessly to ensure that car parks across the UK are able to serve the modern customer, with the latest technology and premium customer service. Most recently, we implemented our Intelligent Parking Solution at Whitgift & Centrale Car Park in Croydon, in the space of just 15 hours. 

Why landlords are seeking out the modern parking operator

The parking industry has stayed the same for many years, avoiding innovation and side-stepping collaboration with new market entrants. That is why many car parks are not appreciated by the average customer and are losing revenue every year. Due to their archaic ways, many car parks are lumbered with outdated hardware such as bulky and costly payment kiosks and problematic parking barriers. These products do not serve the contemporary customer effectively and require hefty maintenance at the expense of the landlord over time. Not to mention, a cocktail of different hardware providers in a single car park offers asset owners little-to-no visibility over the performance of their parking asset and customer data, which could otherwise offer a significant strategic advantage for customer acquisition. 

Rapid deployment response: The modern operator advantage

One of the UK’s fastest-growing car park operators, YourParkingSpace, was mobilised to replace the existing operator at two Croydon car parks (1,600 spaces collectively) on Wednesday, 20th October 2021. As a digitally-led business with processes built for efficiency, adaptability and scalability, YourParkingSpace installed our full Intelligent Parking Solution at both Whitgift Croydon Car Park and Croydon Centrale Car Park on Friday 22nd October 2021 at 08.00 and completed the installation at 23.00. 

Croydon Group Photo

Charlie Harte, Operations Executive at YourParkingSpace and lead project manager for the Croydon deployment commented ‘We have an internal set-up that enables us to deploy any site of any size at pace. Our aim is to get in and get out with minimal disruption to the customer, and provide continued monitoring for a set period post-installation to ensure the speedy transition is positively adopted by all users.’

Furthermore, YourParkingSpace founder Charles Cridland, added his gratitude, stating, ‘We would like to thank Hammerson for the opportunity to implement our solution at these two sites and for trusting us to deliver the rapid installation that we promised. We'll certainly be doing everything to ensure our Intelligent Parking Solution creates the best possible parking experience for customers in the years to come.’ 

Our Intelligent Parking Solution has revolutionised multiple car parks across the UK, allowing less accessible hardware to be replaced with ingenious initiatives. To find out more, please contact us at solutions@yourparkingspace.co.uk.